Our training goes beyond the black-box training available for most FE softwares. The training offered by GAC covers the main concepts of FE analysis, theoretical and numerical, in a efficient and logical way. After our training, one can see that FE packages are nothing more than the a sequential application of the fundamental concepts learned. With this approach, we show that for the majority of FE softwares, the steps for dealing with any structural problem are basically the same. Attenders learn why use this or that type of element, where the model should be cutted, how to interpretate the results , etc.
Using such approach, GAC offers several finite element and related trainings. These trainings can be either open courses or "in company" courses:
FE1: The finite element method. A practical approach.
FE2: working on a CAE package with the concepts of FE1 course.
FD1: fatigue and durability analysis.
RE1: strength of materials for engineers and designers.
EN1: ship structure analysis.
ST1: statistics process for engineering.