at GAC site, in the publication section. This first version is used for counting cycles in a signal with variable amplitude and mean. This kind of signal is usual in automotive industry, as well as in aeronautic field. The standard ASTM Rainflow counting is used to counting the cycles of the signal. The output signal can be used to evaluate cumulative damage of parts. The complete package (signal and fatigue analysis) is been developed by GAC.
A Python code for rainflow counting and for 2D histogram also can be found.
GAC's techinical director, Prof. Dr. Ademar de Azevedo Cardoso, say about the software: “There are many softwares for fatigue calculation, with complicated screens and lots of settings. The main going of our software is simplify this process, without losing the theoretichal knowledge necessary to fatigue evaluation. Based on more than 25 years working in this field, we believe that we can get an userfriendly software.”
The "Finite Elements - a practical and efficient approach" course will be held at GAC on Saturdays, on the dates (9, 16, and 24 March/24). Additionally, on the dates (20 and 27 April/24), we will be offering the "High Cycle Fatigue Analysis - a practical and efficient approach" course. Master the use of these tools, ensuring their proper application, and enhance the competitiveness of your products.